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Speaker Topics

Eli Gonzalez

How to Grow Your Business
Having interviewed, written, and published the works of many CEOs of wildly successful companies, he has figured out the ins and outs on how to start and grow a business from industry giants. Also, as a serial entrepreneur, he has proven the concepts and strategies he speaks on. In his lively presentations, Eli unveils universal truths that have propelled entrepreneurs into millionaires as well as debunking misleading myths that have led business owners to bankruptcy.

How to Write a Book

Anyone can cook a soup, but not everyone can make a delicious soup! Similarly, anyone can write a book, but to write a great book takes a certain level of skill and insights. The tendencies of today’s readers have changed in just ten short years. We are a texting and blogging culture. Readers today lack the time to invest in a poorly-structured, overly-wordy, or ambiguously-written book. In this keynote presentation, Eli brings groundbreaking and unique strategies on how to write for today’s reader.

Building Credibility Through Publishing
How do you get strangers to trust your brand, product, or service? How do you stand out from the crowded marketplace as a credible expert in your industry? Nothing compels buyers and new clients to do business with you more than becoming published. He not only speaks on the advantages of book publishing, but also expertly teaches on other forms of publishing such as: Trade Journals, Magazines, Blogs, and other ways to become a viable candidate for news outlets.

How to Make a Living as a Writer
Being a professional writer is a Top Ten desired career. Out of the millions who have authored books or tried to make a living as a writer, very few have succeeded. Even college graduates with Journalism and English majors have failed, due to not understanding business or the nuances of writing for emotion and influence. In this empowering presentation, Eli shares the definitive steps it takes to become a financially successful writer. He shares his personal journey, case studies, and the criteria he applies towards employing full-time writers and editors.

The Fierce Urgency of Now
Stage 3 Throat Cancer had Eli hospital ridden after not being able to utter a word in more than a month and requiring a feeding tube to eat for nearly two months. He went to sleep one night, desiring not to wake up. The beginning of a new day gave him a fresh perspective on how he had lived his life. He lamented all the times he had wasted frivolously, either playing games on his phone, binge-watching shows on Netflix, or spending hours upon hours doing basically, nothing. The master storyteller has a way of motivating people into taking action and reassessing how they want to live their lives. The Fierce Urgency of Now has been a life-changing speech for many.

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